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Tyrann und Märtyrer : Bild und Ideengeschichte des Rechts um 1600
ISBN: 9783110363500 311036350X 9783110363647 9783110391565 3110391562 311036364X Year: 2015 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts ist in ganz Europa eine gewaltige Bildproduktion des christlichen Martyriums zu verzeichnen. Im Umkreis des Jesuitengenerals Claudio Acquaviva werden Kirchen und Kollegien mit grausamen Opfertoden ausgekleidet, die dann über Druckwerke weltweite Verbreitung finden. Jene Bilder, die das Gesetz, die Entscheidung und die Handlungen tyrannischer Regime als Folterqualen der Märtyrer visualisieren, warnen vor einer Bedrohung der eigenen Rechtsordnung. Die binäre Opposition von Gut und Böse ist nicht allein konfessionell oder politisch zu deuten, sondern als Verhandlung moralisch-juridischer Prinzipien. Die Bilder von Märtyrern und Tyrannen werden somit erstmals sowohl als Figuren der Theologie als auch des zeitgenössischen Rechtsgedankens evident. Throughout Europe, the end of the 16th century saw an enormous output of images of Christian martyrdom. Images portraying the law and the behavior of tyrannical regimes in terms of the torment of the martyrs signaled the threats to their own legal system. For the first time, the images of martyrs and tyrants are presented as both religious figures and reflections of contemporary thinking about the law.

The Cistercian arts : from the 12th to the 21st century
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780773544123 0773544127 Year: 2014 Volume: 71 Publisher: Montreal McGill-Queen's University Press

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The phenomenon of the Cistercian Order occupies a key place in the history of Western culture as it grew to dominate reformed European monasticism in the high middle ages. The transition from the Romanesque to Gothic styles occurred in the twelfth century when the order was expanding most dramatically. With sharp, clean lines, and minimal decor, its architecture was designed to reflect the simplicity and austerity required for this experiment in monastic life. An important reference work, The Cistercian Arts offers insights into a contemplative order that expanded from its modest origins in the Burgundian heartland to encompass six continents. Under the supervision of Terryl Kinder and Roberto Cassanelli, the theological and spiritual aspects and material culture of the Cistercian world are analyzed in depth by more than thirty international specialists in a forty-chapter overview. Music, libraries, water management, metallurgy, farming, liturgical arts, sacred reading, and many other facets of monastic life are traced from the founding of the order in 1098 to the present day. While the Cistercian Order grew to include approximately 1,700 abbeys for men and women, it did not end with the middle ages, and architecture was not its only manifestation. This exquisitely illustrated volume shows how the many arts created by and for Cistercian abbeys continued well beyond the medieval period.

Material change : the impact of reform and modernity on material religion in North-West Europe, 1780-1920
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789462702820 9462702829 Year: 2021 Publisher: Leuven Leuven University Press

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The long nineteenth century (c.1780–c.1920) in Western Europe saw an unprecedented rise in the production and possession of material goods. The material culture diversified and led to a rich variety of expressions. Dovetailing with a process of confessionalisation that manifested itself quite simultaneously, material religion witnessed its heyday in this period; from church buildings to small devotional objects. The present volume analyses how various types of reform (state, societal, and ecclesiastical) that were part of the process of modernisation affected the material devotional culture within Protestantism, Anglicanism, and Roman Catholicism. Although the contributions in this book start from a comparative European perspective, the case studies mostly focus on individual countries in North-West Europe, namely Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The concept of ‘material religion’ is approached in a very inclusive way. The volume discusses, amongst others, parish infrastructures and religious buildings that are part of land and cityscapes, but also looks into interior design and decorations of chapels, churches, monasteries, cemeteries, and educational, charitable, and health institutions. It comprises the fine arts of religious painting and sculpture, the applied arts, and iconographic designs. As far as private material culture is concerned, this volume examines and presents objects related to private devotion at home, including a great variety of popular devotional and everyday life objects, such as booklets, cards, photographs, and posters.

The folly of the cross : the passion of Christ in theology and the arts-early modernity
ISBN: 9780190876005 019087600X 0190905131 0190876018 Year: 2018 Publisher: New York, NY Oxford University Press

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The Folly of the Cross' is the fourth book in Richard Viladesau's series examining the aesthetics and theology of the cross through Christian history. Previous volumes have brought the story up through the Baroque era. This new book examines the reception of the message of the cross from the European Enlightenment to the turn of the twentieth century.


246 <09> --- 225*5 --- 225*5 Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging --- Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van . --- Music --- Christus aan het Kruis --- iconography --- theology --- music [performing arts] --- Christianity --- Iconography --- Christian fundamental theology --- Calvary crosses --- Jesus Christ --- 246 <09> Art et symbolisme chretiens--Geschiedenis van ... --- 246 <09> Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van ... --- Art et symbolisme chretiens--Geschiedenis van ... --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van ... --- 232.32 --- 232.32 Priesterschap, offer van Jezus Christus. Theologie van het kruis --- Priesterschap, offer van Jezus Christus. Theologie van het kruis --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van .. --- christelijke iconografie --- theologie --- moderne kunst --- passieverhaal, lijdensverhaal van Christus --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van --- specifieke types van de gekruisigde Christus (in niet verhalende context) --- Verlichting (18de eeuw) --- kruis ~ instrumenten van het Passieverhaal --- Christus --- 18de eeuw --- 19de eeuw --- 20ste eeuw --- specifieke types van de gekruisigde Christus (in niet verhalende context). --- christelijke iconografie. --- theologie. --- Verlichting (18de eeuw). --- moderne kunst. --- passieverhaal, lijdensverhaal van Christus. --- kruis ~ instrumenten van het Passieverhaal. --- Christus. --- 18de eeuw. --- 19de eeuw. --- 20ste eeuw. --- music [performing arts genre]

La théologie au risque de la création artistique : actes du colloque international et oecuménique, Institut catholique de Paris, 12 et 13 mai 2017
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782204128995 2204128996 Year: 2018 Publisher: Paris Les éditions du Cerf

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L'art et la théologie s'interpellent. La question de leur relation mutuelle a été le sujet d'un colloque international et oecuménique à l'occasion du jubilé des 500 ans de la Réforme (1517-2017). Ce colloque s'est déployé en cinq colloques et cinq lieux, trois pays, deux continents, comme autant d'étapes d'une recherche qui voulait prendre en compte les conditions d'émergence et d'approche d'une telle réflexion. Tel un diptyque, cet ouvrage rassemble les interventions des deux premières étapes francophones : deux lieux, deux institutions, deux confessions chrétiennes. Dans une approche plus théologique, l'ISTA (Institut supérieur de théologie des arts, Theologicum, Institut catholique de Paris) a mis en oeuvre une articulation féconde entre la figure de l'oiseau telle qu'elle se manifeste dans les arts et une recherche théologique à propos de l'Esprit Saint. Dans une approche plus historique, la faculté de théologie protestante (université de Strasbourg) a montré comment la Réforme fut aussi créatrice en matière de création artistique, et que celle-ci ne se limita pas aux seuls arts musicaux.


Christian art and symbolism --- 246 <09> --- 213 --- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Art and religion --- Art --- Arts in the church --- Religion and art --- Religion --- Creative ability in art --- Creative ability in literature --- Imagination --- Inspiration --- Literature --- Creative ability --- Originality --- Art, Christian --- Art, Ecclesiastical --- Christian symbolism --- Ecclesiastical art --- Symbolism and Christian art --- Religious art --- Symbolism --- Church decoration and ornament --- History --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van . --- Schepping. Emanatisme. Evolutionisme. Creationisme. Eeuwigheid van de wereld --- Religious aspects --- Christianity --- 213 Creation du monde. Evolution. Emanation. Eternite du monde --- 213 Schepping. Emanatisme. Evolutionisme. Creationisme. Eeuwigheid van de wereld --- Creation du monde. Evolution. Emanation. Eternite du monde --- 246 <09> Art et symbolisme chretiens--Geschiedenis van ... --- 246 <09> Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van ... --- Art et symbolisme chretiens--Geschiedenis van ... --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van ... --- 2:7 --- Symbolism in art --- 2:7 Godsdienst. Theologie-:-Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel --- Godsdienst. Theologie-:-Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van .. --- Conferences - Meetings --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van

Ikonologie der christlichen Kunst
ISBN: 9783506792372 3506792377 9783657792375 3657792376 9783506780355 3506780352 9783506780461 3506780468 9783506780485 3506780484 9783657780358 9783657780464 3657780483 3657780351 3657780467 9783657780488 Year: 2022 Publisher: Paderborn: Schöningh,

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Seit dem 6. Jahrhundert erfuhr der Osten eine Sonderentwicklung der christlichen Kunst. Eine besondere Rolle spielt dabei die Ikone, die als Bild die heilige Gestalt vertritt. Die Auseinandersetzungen im Bilderstreit des 8./9. Jahrhunderts waren stark theoretischer Natur, brachten aber für längere Zeit ein Verbot christlicher Bilder mit sich. Nach dem Sieg der Befürworter von Bildern bildete sich im 11. Jahrhundert ein System heraus, das die Bilder im Kirchenraum, aber auch auf dem Templon (der Ikonostas) betraf. Waren zunächst Byzanz und der Balkan die führenden Regionen, so entstand mit der Taufe Russlands ein Gebiet, in dem die neueren Probleme - wie das Verhältnis zum Westen - bis zur Gegenwart ausgefochten werden.

The wisdom and power of the cross : the passion of Christ in theology and the arts -- late modernity and postmodernity
ISBN: 9780197516522 0197516521 9780197516539 9780197516546 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York, NY Oxford University Press

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"This volume is the fifth in a series dealing with the passion and death of Christ - symbolized by "the cross" -- in Christian theology and the arts. It examines the way the passion of Christ has been thought about by theologians and portrayed by artists and musicians in the modern and contemporary world. It examines the traditional approaches to soteriology in contrast to revisionist theologies that take up the challenge of understanding the meaning of the cross in the light of critical historical studies and modern science"--


Theology of the cross --- Christianity and the arts --- 246 <09> --- 232.32 --- 225*5 --- Arts and Christianity --- Arts --- Kreuzestheologie --- Theologia crucis --- Theology, Doctrinal --- 225*5 Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging --- Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging --- 232.32 Priesterschap, offer van Jezus Christus. Theologie van het kruis --- Priesterschap, offer van Jezus Christus. Theologie van het kruis --- Christelijke kunst en symbolisme--Geschiedenis van --- Jesus Christ --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- Crucifixion. --- specifieke types van de gekruisigde Christus (in niet verhalende context) --- theologie --- moderne kunst --- film --- muziek --- passieverhaal, lijdensverhaal van Christus --- kruis ~ instrumenten van het Passieverhaal --- christelijke iconografie --- Christus --- 20ste eeuw --- 21ste eeuw --- specifieke types van de gekruisigde Christus (in niet verhalende context). --- theologie. --- moderne kunst. --- film. --- muziek. --- passieverhaal, lijdensverhaal van Christus. --- kruis ~ instrumenten van het Passieverhaal. --- christelijke iconografie. --- Christus. --- 20ste eeuw. --- 21ste eeuw.

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